The Intermodal Container Web Page
QUESTION: Where are these photos taken?
ANSWER: Everywhere around the world! Here are some of the places where our web site contributors take their photographs:
Jose Manual Almeida: Portugal
Pablo Balloni: Argentina
Darryl Bamsey: U.K.
John L. Becker: North America
Keith Belk: Kansas City area (United States)
Gerard Berteau: La Rochelle and Angouleme, France
AJ Burgess: California; Asia
Albert Castro: southern California (United States)
Michael Cereghino: Portand, OR (United States)
Ricky Chan: Hong Kong
Esteban Chaves: Costa Rica
Ben De Vink: Netherlands
Franck Despesse: France
Jim Eager: northeast U.S., Canada
Nicholas Eagle: England
John Eubanks: southern California (United States)
Richard Fawcett: Asheville, NC; covering Charleston, SC to Savannah, GA (United States)
Anthony Fok: Hong Kong, south China
Curt Fortenberry: Alaska
Coen Fourdraine: Holland, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland
Charles Fox: Chicago area, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Florida, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Belgium, Netherlands
Gerald Fresse: L'Ain, France
Frode Frisvold: Gjemnes, Norway
Alessandro Gobbi: Italy
Gary Hannes: sunny southern California (United States), mostly on the BNSF (ex-ATSF) San Bernardino Subdivision
Matt Hannes: Colorado, Wyoming, and southern California (United States)
John Helberg: eastern United States
Bill Hoffman: Chicago area (United States)
Robert Johnson: Texas (United States)
James Kirkman: Canada
James Koretsky: Australia
Pierre Levesque: Canada
Andreas Lindner: Europe
Chiaming Liu: Taiwan
Jose R. Lopez: Miami, FL (United States)
Patricio Martinez: San Antonio, Chile
Ian Mathers: Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada
Ed McCaslin: southern California (United States)
Michael McGowen: Colorado, Wyoming, and anywhere else in the U.S., Canada, and Planet Earth where Mike visits.
Alan Morris: Canada
Rhyden Nowak: Pennsylvania (United States)
Svend-Torsten Pape: Germany
Hans Ole Petersen: Denmark
Rafal Piasecki: Canada
Rich Reinhart: Texas (United States)
Cor Rood: Netherlands, Iceland, Spain, Portugal
Alex Rothwell: Australia, New Zealand
Nicolai Rütz: Germany, Denmark
Luc Sabourin: Canada
Jos Stiphout: The Netherlands
Hans Tobbe: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, U.K.
John Weal: U.K.
Graeme White: Australia
Chris Wilson: Ontario, Canada
Zachary Wilson: Indiana and southeastern United States
Patricio Worthalter: Argentina and Chile
If you've contributed photos and your name is not on the above list, Email me and I'll get your name and location added.