The Intermodal Container Web Page - Part 2

Flat Rack and Flatbed Container Photo Gallery

20'x8'x<8' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
Aegiali "cone boxes"   carries interbox connectors for the M/V Aegiali Charles Fox
SECU 2004580 Eurotainer carries interbox connectors for use on the ships Patricio Martinez
SECU 2009249 Eurotainer carries interbox connectors for use on the ships Cor Rood
OOCL France "cone box" flatracks Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) carries the interbox connectors for the OOCL France Matt Hannes
TRIU 1203026 Triton Container International collapsible-end Michael McGowen
TRIU 1203216 Triton Container International collapsible-end; end view Michael McGowen
UNOU 4003838 Uniteam (middle); leased to Elkem Cor Rood
WEC "cone box" WEC Lines carries interbox connectors for the WEC Vermeer Cor Rood
YB FR-8, 9, 10, 2 Young Bros. assorted half-height fixed-end flatracks Michael McGowen

20'x8'x8' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
TNPU 5003120 TN International carrying radioactive material canisters Gerald Fresse

20'x8'x8.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
ACNU 1990244 Akzo Nobel carrying chemical vessel Gerald Fresse
AMLU 221546 and 21209 Alaska Marine Lines fixed-ends; likely for carrying lashing equipment for barges Michael McGowen
AMFU 1410976 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Cor Rood
AMFU 1418339 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Charles Fox
AMFU 1500811 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying a large enclosure Albert Castro
AMFU 1506337 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
ATRU 2220646 Antrak Group collapsible-end Charles Fox
ACLU 3685432 Atlantic Container Line collapsible-end Cor Rood
ACLU 3686700 Atlantic Container Line fixed-end Cor Rood
ACLU 3686824 Atlantic Container Line fixed-end Jos Stiphout
BOLU 0458960 Baltic Shipping Comapny fixed-end Luc Sabourin
MMMU 0459377 Baltic Shipping Comapny collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
BNFL 0001260 British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. fixed-end Hans Tobbe
BUTU 2000581 Brointermed collapsible-end; ex-Genstar Charles Fox
CHIU 1000974 Capital Intermodal collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
CWSU 260503 Cargotank Worldwide Services collapsible-end Michael McGowen
WITU 0004097 Chemtura fixed-end Wojtek Skrzypinski
CBHU 9202540 China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO) collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
AMCU 2600218 CMA-CGM collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
AMCU 2601256 CMA-CGM collapsible-end Tom Smith
CGMU 2626927 CMA-CGM fixed-end Jos Stiphout
CMDU 3500230 CMDU (un-registered) fixed-end Charles Fox
CMDU 8107611 CMDU (un-registered) fixed-end Cor Rood
TNPU 2505790 Cogema Logistics Gerald Fresse
TNPU 3721068 Cogema Logistics fixed-end Gerald Fresse
TNPU 6008861 Cogema Logistics fixed-end Gerald Fresse
CGMU 2627688 Compagnie Generale Maritime fixed-end Hans Tobbe
CGMU 2627918 Compagnie Generale Maritime fixed-end Cor Rood
Consent 20' flat rack Consent Leasing collapsible-end Charles Fox
CORU 2680990 + others Container Association Rotterdam (CARU) collapsible-end Charles Fox
LCRU 2685766 Container Association Rotterdam (CARU) collapsible-end Charles Fox
CRTU 7505967 Cronos Containers collapsible-end; carrying oversized load Anthony Fok
CRXU 7502930 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Michael McGowen
CRXU 7508774 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Charles Fox
CXSU 1154062 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
XCLU 3688060 Cross-Country Container Leasing (XCL) fixed-end (it's on the bottom) Michael McGowen
DVRU 20' flat racks Delmas fixed-end Hans Tobbe
DVRU 20' flat racks Delmas fixed-end Hans Tobbe
DVRU 8010142 Delmas fixed-end Jos Stiphout
DVRU 8015530 Delmas fixed-end (one end missing) Charles Fox
DFOU 2000360 Dong Fang collapsible-end; leased to TS Lines Anthony Fok
TFCU 0071866 NEW! Fagioli S.p.a. fixed-end Henry Rivas
FSCU 8205665 Florens Container Services collapsible-end; seen here collapsed with a bunch of others Hans Tobbe
FSCU 8205937 Florens Container Services collapsible-end; carrying a pressure vessel Cor Rood
GAEU 5002244 Gateway Container collapsible-end Charles Fox
GAEU 5006023 Gateway Container collapsible-end (shown collapsed) Charles Fox
GESU 7556402 GE-SeaCo collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
GESU 7561348 + others GE-SeaCo collapsible-end Charles Fox
WVGU 1020099 Geest North Sea Line collapsible-end Cor Rood
GCEU 4004628 + others Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end Cor Rood
SUDU 20' flat rack Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end; photographed from my car on I-70 in Utah Matt Hannes
SUDU 2721089 Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end Tom Smith
HJCU 3203160 Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
HJCU 3204696 Hanjin Shipping Co. bottom one; collapsible-end Ben de Vink
HJCU 3204741 Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end Charles Fox
HLXU 2680193 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HLXU 2688086 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HLXU 2692091 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
HLXU 2692790 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Charles Fox
HLXU 3680388 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversized crate Charles Fox
HLXU 3684275 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
HLXU 3684465 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
HLXU 3691844 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversized crate Charles Fox
HKCU 3040336 Hudig & Kersten Continent-Ireland Line fixed-end Hans Tobbe
HDMU 7200682 Hyundai Merchant Marine collapsible-end (seen with ends collapsed) Cor Rood
HDMU 7205088 Hyundai Merchant Marine collapsible-end; carrying oversized crate Ben de Vink
KTNU 1503858 K-Tainer Trading collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
KKLU 360151 Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Line) fixed-end Jim Eager
KCSU 0002369 KCS (not related to the Kansas City Southern railroad) collapsible-end Cor Rood
KCSU 000444 KCS collapsible-end; covered with tarp Cor Rood
Maersk 20' flat rack Maersk Line collapsible-end Matt Hannes, photo copyright 1996 by Canterbury Press, used with permission
MAEU 3600393 Maersk Line fixed-end Ed McCaslin
MAEU 900451 Maersk Line fixed-end John L. Becker
MAMU 2014615 Mammoet fixed-end Coen Fourdraine
MAMU 2014620 Mammoet fixed-end Coen Fourdraine
MCXU 3000045 MCL Line collapsible-end Charles Fox
MDSU 2000632 MDS fixed-end; carrying logs Cor Rood
MSCU 7340436 and 7341047 Mediterranean Shipping Co. collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
MSCU 7345356 and 7346007 Mediterranean Shipping Co. collapsible-end Charles Fox
MSCU 7346558 Mediterranean Shipping Co. collapsible-end Cor Rood
MDEU 9200010 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end; with others Gerard Berteau
MDEU 9200030 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MDEU 9200051 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MDEU 9200072 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MDEU 9200088 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MOLU 3304888 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines collapsible-end Michael McGowen
NYKU 9352660 Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) collapsible-end Matt Hannes
NYKU 9362611 NYK Logistics collapsible-end Christian B. Luehrs
OOLU 2010290 Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) collapsible-end Gary Hannes
OTAU 2251410 O.T. Africa Line collapsible-end Charles Fox
OTAU 2254636 O.T. Africa Line collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
OTAU 2255247 O.T. Africa Line collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
RLKU 2611937 Rail Link fixed-end, with generator Gerald Fresse
RLKU 6200101 Rail Link fixed-end, with generator Gerald Fresse
RCSU 4701926 Refrigerated Container Services fixed-end; ex-Maersk Charles Fox
REVU 0000340 Reviss Services fixed-end; carrying radioactive canisters Darryl Bamsey
SANU 3601112 Samskip collapsible-end Cor Rood
SJKU 2610176 Sarjak collapsible-end; ex-YMLU Cor Rood
SJKU 2610767 Sarjak collapsible-end; ex-HDMU Cor Rood
SAUSE 002 and 004 Sause Bros. fixed-end Michael McGowen
SAXU 2600488 Sea Axis collapsible-end; carrying logs Cor Rood
SMLU 6202074 Seaboard Marine collapsible-end; pictured with several other collapsed flatracks Charles Fox
SEGU 7605348 Seaco collapsible-end; leased to Sarjak Jos Stiphout
SEGU 7622659 Seaco collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
SCXU 2485651 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
SCZU 8104106 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsed on the top of the pile Cor Rood
SCZU 8122500 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; nice collection of SCZU flats Cor Rood
SEAU 0895070 Sea Land Service flatrack with generator Michael McGowen
SLGS 5500477 Sea Land Service flatrack with generator Matt Hannes
SHK 8036 Seahawk UK collapsible-end Geert Sieben
SWLU 2040988 SeaWheel collapsible-end; leased from ConTrans Cor Rood
TEXU 0013440 Textainer collapsible-end Martin Mast
TEXU 0036189 Textainer collapsible-end Charles Fox
TOLU 20' flat rack Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; carrying large crate Ben de Vink
TOLU 8101107 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end Matt Hannes
TOLU 813500 + others Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; some leased to MSC Charles Fox
TOLU 8103938 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; with ends collapsed Jos Stiphout
TRLU 9409208 TransAmerica Leasing collapsible-end Cor Rood
TRLU 9411437 TransAmerica Leasing collapsible-end Charles Fox
TMMU 2972404 Transportacion Maritima Mexicana collapsible-end Chris Wilson
TMMU 2972929 Transportacion Maritima Mexicana collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
TRIU 0616745 Triton Container International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TRIU 0624289 Triton Container International collapsible-end Chris Wilson
TTNU 0607311 Triton Container International collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
TTRU 7006322 NEW! Tropical Shipping collapsible-end Henry Rivas
UESU 7001223 and 7000628 Unit Equipment Services (UES) collapsible-end Charles Fox
UESU 7001413 Unit Equipment Services (UES) collapsible-end AJ Burgess
UACU 2261356 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
UACU 2264951 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
WHLU 1203390 Wan Hai Line collapsible-end; carrying oversized load Matt Hannes
EASU 22P3's Waterfront Container Leasing collapsible-end Christian B. Luehrs
WIXU 1005603 Western Intermodal collapsible-end Gary Hannes
YMCU 7603106 YMCU collapsible-end; ex-EMCU Cor Rood
YB flatracks assortment 1 Young Bros. assortment of 20' flatracks Michael McGowen
YB flatracks assortment 2 Young Bros. assortment of 20' flatracks Michael McGowen
YB flatracks assortment 3 Young Bros. more YB 20' flatracks, carrying building materials Michael McGowen
YBLU 7110716 and 7110172 Young Bros. fixed-end Michael McGowen
ZIMU 3910003 Zim Container Service carrying excavator bucket Koos Broekhof

20'x8'x9.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
NSTP 0840267 Northland Services fixed-end Michael McGowen
EASU 2006573 and 2006681 Waterfront Container Leasing fixed-end with makeshift sides Michael McGowen
EASU 2006526 Waterfront Container Leasing fixed-end; carrying crushed autos for recycling Michael McGowen
EASU 2006594 Waterfront Container Leasing fixed-end; carrying crushed autos for recycling Michael McGowen

40'x8'x<8' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
JSVU 4030091 JSV top container Cor Rood
NENU 9450297 Nenufar Shipping fixed-end Tom Smith
GEAR 0000171 SEC 4'-11" tall; used by Matson Navigation; carries interbox connectors for the Mokihana; container below it is similar Michael McGowen

40'x8'x8.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
MAIL 300027 American Mail Line fixed-end unknown photographer; original slide from Charles Fox collection
AMFU 4152047 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Cor Rood
AMFU 4192780 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying steel Gary Hannes
AMFU 4192800 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Gary Hannes
AMFU 4192878 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Matt Hannes
AMFU 4220671 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying a 20' container converted to a specialized enclosure Kristof - PCS Zeebrugge N&B
AMFU 4231423 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying combine Ben de Vink
AMFU 4234084 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying oversize crates Albert Castro
AMFU 4245556 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end; carrying structural truss Ben de Vink
AMZU 42P3s Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
AMZU 42P3s Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
AMZU 4211089 Amphibious Container Leasing (AMFICON) carrying wind turbine blades Cor Rood
AMLF 4150228 + others Antillean Marine Shipping collapsible-end Charles Fox
AMLF 4150589 Antillean Marine Shipping collapsible-end Charles Fox
BHCU and AMZU 42P3s Bridgehead Container Services collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
BHCU 4705271 + others Bridgehead Container Services collapsible-end Charles Fox
BHCU 4708413 and 4704547 Bridgehead Container Services collapsible-end Charles Fox
BHCU 4751385 + others Bridgehead Container Services collapsible-end Charles Fox
CBHU 9407391 China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO) collapsible-end Ben de Vink
CBHU 9408530 China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO) collapsible-end Charles Fox
CAXU 42P3 Container Applications International (CAI) collapsible-end; carrying pipe Hans Tobbe
CAXU 5710924 Container Applications International (CAI) collapsible-end Tom Smith
CAXU 5715910 Container Applications International (CAI) collapsible-end; here is another view Charles Fox
CAXU 5716516 Container Applications International (CAI) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
CAXU 5717560 Container Applications International (CAI) collapsible-end Cor Rood
LCRU flatrack assortment Container Association Rotterdam (CARU) collapsible-end Charles Fox
CPIU 5703499 Container Providers International (CPI) collapsible-end Geert Sieben
CPIU 5711895 Container Providers International (CPI) collapsible-end Geert Sieben
CTLU 3306621 Container Trading & Leasing collapsible-end; ex-Maersk Charles Fox
CONU 0057138 Contrans fixed-end Matt Hannes
CWWU 1052051 Corridor Canada collapsible-end Chris Wilson
CRTU 7613107 Cronos Containers stack of collapsed CRTU 42P3s Jos Stiphout
CRTU 7613508 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
CRTU 7614000 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Charles Fox
CRXU 7653704 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Cor Rood
CRXU 7658007 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Ben de Vink
CRXU 7668221 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Ben de Vink
CRXU 7682533 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Anthony Fok
CRXU 7693029 Cronos Containers collapsible-end Charles Fox
CMCU 4332288 Crowley Maritime collapsible-end Charles Fox
CMCU 4332987 Crowley Maritime collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
EACU 9546015 EAC Lines / ScanDutch fixed-end Gary Hannes
EIMU 4802168 Eimskip collapsible-end; neat tractor load Cor Rood
FLTU 4070179 Eimskip collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
Evergreen 40' flat rack Evergeen International SA collapsible-end, rare! Gary Hannes
EISU 7101409 Evergeen International SA collapsible-end, rare! Jos Stiphout
EISU 7103232 Evergeen International SA collapsible-end, rare! Ben de Vink
EMCU 7005280 Evergreen Marine Corp. collapsible-end Anthony Fok
TFCU 0092600 NEW! Fagioli S.p.a. fixed-end Henry Rivas
CBHU 9401639 Fairbreeze Shipping (FBZ) collapsible-end; with oversized load Jerry Rodiles
CBHU 9404134 Fairbreeze Shipping (FBZ) collapsible-end Anthony Fok
CBHU 9403396 Fairbreeze Shipping (FBZ) collapsible-end Gary Hannes
FAAU 8010497 Farrell Lines collapsible-end Oliver Rhodes
FSCU 8403700 Florens Container Services collapsible-end; seen here on a pile of Bridgehead and Amficon flatracks Cor Rood
FSCU 8411542 Florens Container Services collapsible-end; carrying oversized crates Ben de Vink
GAEU 7500987 Gateway Container collapsible-end, with ends collapsed Hans Tobbe
GAEU 7502125 Gateway Container collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
GAEU 7502721 Gateway Container collapsible-end, with ends collapsed Hans Tobbe
GAEU 7504241 Gateway Container collapsible-end Cor Rood
GCEU 8001721 Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
GCEU 8003316 Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
GCEU 8003851 Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end, shown with ends collapsed and a 40' container on top of it Andreas Lindner
GCEU 8004400 Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end Cor Rood
GCEU 8005999 Genstar Container Corp. collapsible-end Michael McGowen
Pile of GESU flatracks GE-SeaCo collapsible-ends Hans Tobbe
GESU and SCZU flatracks GE-Seaco / SeaCo collapsible-ends Charles Fox
JXLU 6014892 Gold Star Line collabsible-end Charles Fox
GCNU 42P3s Grimaldi collapsible-ends Hans Tobbe
SUDU 40' flat rack Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end; carrying a crane Ben de Vink
Hanjin 40' flat rack Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end John L. Becker
HJCU 3403701 Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end; shown here traveling with racks from Gateway, Seaco, and TOL Gary Hannes
IRSU 42P3s Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
ITLU 7450735 Itel Containers International fixed-end; here is another view Charles Fox
KKLU 3001534 Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Line) fixed-end Gary Hannes
APMU 3401330 Maersk Line fixed-end Gary Hannes
APMU 3403137 Maersk Line fixed-end; built 1977 Jos Stiphout
MAEU 0001344 Maersk Line collapsible-end, with side posts Gary Hannes
MAEU 1100059 Maersk Line special; for carrying 40-foot chassis Charles Fox
MAEU 3307153 Maersk Line collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
MAEU 3307683 Maersk Line collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
MAEU 3313433 view 1 Maersk Line collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
MAEU 3313433 view 2 Maersk Line collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
MAEU 3315375 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying machinery Ben de Vink
MAEU 332300 Maersk Line collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
Maersk 40' flat racks Maersk Line collapsible-end, travelling in collapsed position Gary Hannes
JOLU 3000428 Maruba collapsible-end Patricio Martinez
JOLU 3000618 Maruba collapsible-end Patricio Martinez
MATU 40' flat rack Matson Navigation fixed-end Gary Hannes
MATU 3903973 Matson Navigation fixed-end; here is a view of the deck Matt Hannes
MATU 3910329 Matson Navigation fixed-end Michael McGowen
MATU 3910801 Matson Navigation fixed-end Michael McGowen
MATU 7001365 Matson Navigation collapsible-end Michael McGowen
MATU 7004240 Matson Navigation collapsible-end (upper container) Michael McGowen
MATU 7006897 Matson Navigation collapside-end; carrying load of galvanized pipe Albert Castro
MSCU 4350370 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
MSCU 4450595 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Cor Rood
MSCU 4456079 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Cor Rood
MSCU 4459000 and 4459340 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
MSCU 4459041 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Cor Rood
MSCU 4460377 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
MDEU 0081326 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MDEU 0081732 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry) collapsible-end Gerard Berteau
MOLU 3010585 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) collapsible-end Cor Rood
KNLU 4923671 Nedlloyd Lines fixed-end Hans Tobbe
KNLU 4926217 Nedlloyd Lines fixed-end Gary Hannes
NEPU 4805149 Neptune Orient Lines collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
NYKU 0353422 Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) collapsible-end Matt Hannes
P&O 40' flat rack P&O Containers fixed-end Oliver Rhodes
POCU 6306005 P&O Containers fixed-end Jos Stiphout
PGHU 4700412 Pasha Group collapsible-end; it's the 3rd from the bottom Michael McGowen
SANU 3201395 Samskip collapsible-end Cor Rood
SANU 4601170 Samskip collapsible-end Cor Rood
SANU 4601272 Samskip collapsible-end Geert Sieben
SJKU 4611171 Sarjak collapsible-end (with a UASC box on top of it) Cor Rood
SAXU 4602617 Sea Axis collapsible-end Charles Fox
Seaboard 40' flat rack Seaboard Marine collapsible-end Jose R. Lopez
SMLU 6413143 Seaboard Marine shown collapsed Charles Fox
SEGU 7602457 Seaco collapsible-end; leased to Seacor Charles Fox
SEGU 7610220 NEW! Seaco collapsible-end Henry Rivas
SEGU 7632322 Seaco collapsible-end Charles Fox
SEGU 7636293 + others Seaco collapsible-end Charles Fox
SEGU 7644513 Seaco collapsible-end; shown with side stakes Gerard Berteau
SCPU 4477376 and others Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; shown here stacked with some TOL units on a train in Europe Andreas Lindner
SCXU flat rack Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end, with tank load Matt Hannes
SCXU flat rack Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end, with tank load Matt Hannes
SCXU 4757682 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end Ed McCaslin
SCZU 4780381 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; leased to GGS Charles Fox
SCZU 4781500 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible end; leased to Nrthland; here is a close-up of the logo Michael McGowen
SCZU 4787468 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; carrying boats Gary Hannes
SCZU 4794404 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; Western Intermodal logos; carrying pipes Gary Hannes
SCZU 4822569 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end, shown here stacked with some TOL units Charles Fox
SCZU 4826409 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end; shown here with older Seaco units and some TOL units Matt Hannes
SCZU 4834908 Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end Ben de Vink
SeaCo flat rack Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end - note how one end fell down Gary Hannes
SeaCo flat rack Sea Containers Ltd. collapsible-end Keith Belk
SEAU 7262346 Sea Land Service fixed-end Michael McGowen
SWLU 4449561 SeaWheel collapsible-end Ben de Vink
SGCU 8100220 SOGECO collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
TCLU 6008440 TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TCLU 6022664 TAL International collapsible-end; carrying an equipment skid Charles Fox
TCLU 6026525 + others TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TCLU 6027028 TAL International collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
TCLU 6051410 TAL International collapsible-end; seen here collapsed and banded together for rail transport with several other racks Gary Hannes
TCLU 6079382 TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TCLU 6785481 TAL International collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
TCLU 6790528 TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TCLU 6790791 TAL International collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
TRLU 5040678 TAL International collapsible-end Ben de Vink
TRLU 6001697 + others TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TRLU 6002728 TAL International collapsible-end Geert Sieben
TRLU 6008449 TAL International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TEXU 8954600 Textainer collapsible-end Charles Fox
TEXU 8981231 Textainer collapsible-end Cor Rood
TEXU 8997388 + others Textainer collapsible-end Charles Fox
TRLU 9600322 TransAmerica Leasing collapsible-end Matt Hannes
TRLU 9600636 TransAmerica Leasing collapsible-end, carrying fire truck Ben de Vink
3 TOLU flat racks on a chassis Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end, in collapsed position riding on a chassis Matt Hannes
TOLU 40' flat rack Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end Ben de Vink
TOLU 40' flat rack Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end, leased to K-Line Oliver Rhodes
TOLU 40' flat rack Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end Oliver Rhodes
TOLU 40' flat rack Trans Ocean Ltd. great shot of a top handler lifting this container with an excess-height load Gary Hannes
TOLU 8790475 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; carrying helicopter fueling module Ben de Vink
TOLU 8791321 Trans ocean Ltd. collapsible-end Anthony Fok
TOLU 8929895 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end (top container) Charles Fox
TOLU 8965803 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; carrying equipment Gary Hannes
TOLU 8997781 Trans Ocean Ltd. collapsible-end; with ends collapsed Jos Stiphout
TLLU 1474649 Triton Container International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TLLU 1491796 Triton Container International collapsible-end; carrying pipes Charles Fox
TRIU 0730296 and others Triton Container International collapsible-end; shown here with ends collapsed stacked with several other flatracks Volker Lange
TRIU 0732196 Triton Container International collapsible-end Matt Hannes
TRIU 0732370 Triton Container International collapsible-end Ben de Vink
TRIU 0734774 Triton Container International collapsible-end Ben de Vink
TRIU 0771090 Triton Container International collapsible-end; carrying bus Gary Hannes
TRIU 0780851 + others Triton Container International collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
TRIU 0790211 Triton Container International collapsible-end; carrying oversized crates Ben de Vink
TRIU 0795933 Triton Container International collapsible-end Cor Rood
TRIU 0817523 Triton Container International collapsible-end; carrying a bucket truck Albert Castro
TTNU 0701400 Triton Container International collapsible-end Geert Sieben
TTNU 0710633 Triton Container International collapsible-end Charles Fox
TTNU 0730938 Triton Container International collapsible-end Charles Fox
UESU 7200122 + others Unit Equipment Services (UES) collapsible-end Carsten Seier
UESU 7200185 Unit Equipment Services (UES) collapsible-end; here is another view Jos Stiphout
UACU 4264924 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
UAEU 9600546 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end AJ Burgess
WHLU 1404456 Wan Hai Line collapsible-end Anthony Fok
WHLU 1405581 and 1409885 Wan Hai Line collapsible-ends Anthony Fok
EASU 7400722 Waterfront Container Leasing collapsible-end; leased to Young Bros. Michael McGowen
EASU 7400790 Waterfront Container Leasing collapsible-end; leased to Young Bros. Michael McGowen
EASU 7400825 and others Waterfront Container Leasing collapsible-end; leased to Young Bros. Michael McGowen
EASU 7400830 Waterfront Container Leasing collapsible-end; leased to Young Bros. Michael McGowen
XUUU 8402670 XUUU (unknown prefix) collapsible-end; it is the one on the bottom; here is another view Charles Fox
YMLU 42P3 Yang Ming Marine Transport collapsible-end; carrying front-end loaders Hans Tobbe
YMLU 7010489 Yang Ming Marine Transport collapsible-end; carrying a harvester Cor Rood
ZCSU 6004549 Zim Container Service collapsible-end; carrying underground tanks; here is another view Gary Hannes
ZCSU 6005397 Zim Container Service collapsible-end; carrying a vessel; next to it is GAEU 7504880 Ben de Vink
ZCSU 6012647 Zim Container Service collapsible-end Charles Fox
ZCSU 6014655 Zim Container Service collapsible-end Cor Rood
tunnel flatrack unknown old flatrack used to carry a ventilation fan for a tunnel project here is another view Daniele Ferin

40'x8'x9.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
CNRU 0010004 Canadian National Railways collapsible-end Charles Fox
CNSU 300553 Canadian National Railways fixed-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 300560 Canadian National Railways fixed-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 300569 Canadian National Railways fixed-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 300628 Canadian National Railways collapsible-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 3006402 Canadian National Railways collapsible-end; carrying railcar wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 3006450 Canadian National Railways collapsible-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CNSU 3006640 Canadian National Railways fixed-end; carrying freight car wheels Chris Wilson
CICU 5000268 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) fixed-end; delivering new MOL 20' chassis Gary Hannes
CICU 5003246 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) fixed-end; delivering new TRAC 40' chassis Gary Hannes
CICU 5007051 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) fixed-end; delivering new MOL 20' chassis Gary Hannes
CICU 5022966 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) fixed-ends; seen here empty Gary Hannes
CICU 5027280 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) fixed-ends; seen here empty Charles Fox
SPRU 1000036 Corridor Canada collapsible-end Chris Wilson
CMCU 4330238 Crowley Maritime collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
ECAU 9001853 Enercon removable ends; for carrying windmill parts Cor Rood
ECAU 9002504 Enercon removable ends; for carrying windmill parts Cor Rood
EUCU 4000211 Eucon Shipping and Transport collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
EUCU 4000248 Eucon Shipping and Transport collapsible-end Ben de Vink
EUCU 4001373 Eucon Shipping and Transport collapsible-end; here is a view of the front Hans Tobbe
FAAU 8030148 Farrell Lines fixed-end; type 45P2 Jos Stiphout
SUDU 4881276 + others Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end Cor Rood
SUDU 4892877 Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end Charles Fox
SUDU 9702218 Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end Darryl Bamsey
SUDU 9701886 Hamburg-Sud collapside-end; carrying oversize load Charles Fox
SUDU 9712324 Hamburg-Sud collapsible-end Cor Rood
HJCU 3501307 Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
HJCU 3501950 Hanjin Shipping Co. collapsible-end Charles Fox
HLBU 8084566 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Charles Fox
HLBU 8161623 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end AJ Burgess
HLXU 4683756 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying equipment Chris Wilson
HLXU 4690631 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying cable spools Matt Hannes
HLXU 4692824 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying equipment Ben de Vink
HLXU 6681665 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Rhyden Nowak
HLXU 6692910 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying pressure vessel Geert Sieben
HLXU 6693630 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying vessel Hans Tobbe
HLXU 6694390 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Charles Fox
HLXU 6696808 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversize machinery crates; here is another view Albert Castro
HLXU 6698740 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversize crate Hans Tobbe
HLXU 8684684 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversized load Ben de Vink
HLXU 8690537 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end; carrying oversize crate Ben de Vink
HLXU 8692231 Hapag-Lloyd collapsible-end Hans Tobbe
HRZU 7270651 Horizon Lines fixed-end AJ Burgess
HRZU 7280011 Horizon Lines collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HRZU 7280080 Horizon Lines collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HRZU 7280520 Horizon Lines collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HRZU 7280897 Horizon Lines collapsible-end Michael McGowen
HDMU 7503797 Hyundai Merchant Marine collapsible-end AJ Burgess
MAEU 3401806 Maersk Line collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
MAEU 3409392 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying oversized crate Ben de Vink
MAEU 3411620 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying a Volvo road grader Jos Stiphout
MAEU 3419030 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying a U.S. Army modular hospital container USAH 0017940 AJ Burgess
MAEU 3412776 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying a forklift Charles Fox
MAEU 3413999 Maersk Line collapsible-end Jos Stiphout
MAEU 3430379 Maersk Line collapsible-end; carrying hostler tractors Ben de Vink
MAEU 3434137 Maersk Line collapsible-end Gary Hannes
MAEU 3447793 + others Maersk Line travelling in the collapsed position on a stack train Gary Hannes
MAEU 3480493 Maersk Line collapside-end Charles Fox
MAEU 3485957 Maersk Line collapsible-end Gary Hannes
MAEU 3509133 Maersk Line collapside-end Charles Fox
MATU 3700410 Matson Navigation fixed-end Michael McGowen
MSDU 9942143 Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC) collapsible-end; here is another view Albert Castro
NSIP 4201990 Northland Services fixed-end (on the bottom); also pictured is PNWU 9900209 (on the top) Michael McGowen
ONEU 7474970 NEW! Ocean Network Express (ONE) collapsible-end Henry Rivas
OOLU 4242777 Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) collapsible-end Tom Smith
SEAU 7260847 Sea-Land Service fixed-end Michael McGowen
TLLU 1533818 Triton Container International collapsible-end; blue Albert Castro
UESU 7500789 Unit Equipment Services (UES) collapsible-end Charles Fox
UAEU 9609332 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end Charles Fox
UAEU 9610354 United Arab Shipping Co. (UASC) collapsible-end Charles Fox


Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
BSIU 1001539 Blue Sky Intermodal leased to Hanjin; carrying oversized crate Geert Sieben
BSIU 1002601 Blue Sky Intermodal leased to Hanjin; carrying front-end loaders J.G. Kim /
BSIU 1011990 Blue Sky Intermodal leased to Hanjin; carrying excavators J.G. Kim
BSIU 1016971 Blue Sky Intermodal leased to Hanjin; carrying watercraft; here is another view Ben de Vink
BSIU 1017509 Blue Sky Intermodal leased to Hanjin; carrying oversized crates Ben de Vink
Hyundai Super-Racks stowed on a ship Hyundai Merchant Marine   S.W. Kang /
HDMU 7600966 Hyundai Merchant Marine here is an end view Ben de Vink
HDMU 7601622 Hyundai Merchant Marine carrying earth mover J.G. Kim
HDMU 7602228 Hyundai Merchant Marine carrying oversize load J.G. Kim
HDMU 7603800 Hyundai Merchant Marine carrying oversized crate Albert Castro
HMMU 7607510 Hyundai Merchant Marine   AJ Burgess
JNLU 0100191 NYK Logistics carrying excavators J.G. Kim
KMTU 0800249 Korean Marine Transport Co. carrying oversize load J.G. Kim
UASC Super-Rack United Arab Shipping Co. carrying trailer J.G. Kim
UAEU 9601711 United Arab Shipping Co. here is another view; seen carrying tunnel boring machine Geert Sieben
UAEU 9603530 United Arab Shipping Co. high-cube S.W. Kang
UAEU 9603709 United Arab Shipping Co. high-cube S.W. Kang
UAEU 9603972 United Arab Shipping Co. high-cube; here is another view Jos Stiphout

45'x8'x8.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
YBLU 7400253 Young Bros. removable bulkheads Michael McGowen
YBLU 7400422 Young Bros. removable bulkheads Michael McGowen

45'x8'x9.5' FLAT RACKS:

Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
MATU 3450394 Matson Navigation Co. fixed-ends Michael McGowen
MATU 3450877 Matson Navigation Co. fixed-ends Michael McGowen


Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
HPCU 2182825 Sungrow Power Supply Co. type 25P5; carries modular electrical equipment for PV generation sites Albert Castro
HPCU 2182907 Sungrow Power Supply Co. same as above Albert Castro



Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
AMLU 818 Alaska Marine Lines it is the top container, covered with lashing chains Michael McGowen
BFLU 563225 BFLU (un-registered)   Michael McGowen
CGMU 2622074 Compagnie Generale Maritime (CGM) ex-ScanDutch (bottom of the pile) Cor Rood
CONU 2665055 Contrans gray one second from the top Cor Rood
CWSU 260114 Cargotank Worldwide Services Michael McGowen
CWSU 260152 Cargotank Worldwide Services Matt Hannes
CWSU 260155 Cargotank Worldwide Services Michael McGowen
CWSU 260176 Cargotank Worldwide Services Keith Belk
CWSU 260456 Cargotank Worldwide Services Keith Belk
CMCU 794041 Crowley Maritime on top Michael McGowen
CMCU 794140 Crowley Maritime on top Michael McGowen
CTUU 3330240 CTC Equipment   Gerard Berteau
CSCU 2013852 Dolphin Containers it's in the center of this pile Cor Rood
MOCU 29P0s MACS many MACS platforms here Cor Rood
MDEU 3690178 Ministere de la Defense (French Defense Ministry)   Gerard Berteau
NSIP 21389 Northland Services Michael McGowen
NSIP 21876 Northland Services Michael McGowen
NSIP 24505 Northland Services note end extension on the front Michael McGowen
NSIP 63097 Northland Services carrying plastic pipe Michael McGowen
NSIP 2111789 Northland Services carrying lumber Michael McGowen
OCVU 6500199 + others Overbeek Container Control   Cor Rood
PNWC 792130 PNW Group it's the upper one Michael McGowen
TRCU 5612545 + many others Rederi A/B Transatlantic huge pile of 20' platforms, including prefixes such as CTUU and YCEU Cor Rood
STBU flat assortment Samson Tug & Barge top couple containers Michael McGowen
STBU 242317 Samson Tug & Barge it's got the roll-off dumpster on top of it Michael McGowen
STBU 2600740 Samson Tug & Barge it's the orange one near the bottom with ICE logos Michael McGowen
SAUSE 047 Sause Bros. ex-Barber Blue Sea Michael McGowen
SAUSE 054 Sause Bros.   Michael McGowen
SHK 1006 Seahawk UK Coen Fourdraine
SHK 1056 Seahawk UK Coen Fourdraine
20' FRS U.S. Army this is a specialized platform carrying a Forward Repair Station (mobile maintenance shop) Zachary Wilson
WISU 2127573 WISCO Matt Hannes
WISU 8924956 WISCO Gary Hannes
YBLU 07505-12 Young Bros. Michael McGowen
YBLU 7100050 Young Bros. carrying a wrecked Honda S2000 Michael McGowen
YBLU 7100322 Young Bros. Michael McGowen
YBLU 7101674 Young Bros.   Michael McGowen
YB PF-1035 Young Bros. Michael McGowen
YB PF-1037 Young Bros. carrying an interesting load Michael McGowen


Photo Container Owner Notes Photo Credit
CICU 5219913 China International Marine Containers (CIMC) Anthony Fok
CLXU 7402312 Contenemar with side frames, carrying re-bar Cor Rood
CRTU 4702366 Cronos Containers carrying a Melbourne trolley; I'm not really sure of the dimensions of this container Michael McGowen
CRTU 7612918 Cronos Containers type 49P0 Cor Rood
EIMU 40' platforms Eimskip with collapsible side posts Cor Rood
EIMU 4900009 Eimskip with collapsible side posts (shown in the "up" position); used for carrying automobiles Cor Rood
ACXU 4000617+others Grieg Star Shipping Coen Fourdraine
LMCU 0700950 Linea Messina Cor Rood
MAEU 300376 Maersk Line pressure vessel load Ed McCaslin
MAEU 3200020 Maersk Line carrying a Nedlloyd 40' container (very unusual!) Jos Stiphout
NIDU 3001640 Nile Dutch Africa Line it's the thick one near the bottom with the trapezoid cut-outs along the side Cor Rood
NIDU 4251453 Nile Dutch Africa Line top one Cor Rood
NSIP 400124 Northland Services carrying at Cat diesel generator Michael McGowen
STBU 400001 Samson Tug & Barge 3rd one from the top Michael McGowen
stack of SeaCo platforms Sea Containers Ltd. Matt Hannes
SCPU 4710487 Sea Containers Ltd. Michael McGowen
WECU 4440028 WEC Lines Jos Stiphout

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